
Bohol is made more vibrant and alluring by a people proud of their history and culture.

A people whose charm and warm hospitality spring from the bloodlines of heroes, foremost of whom is Datu Sikatuna, who, in a blood compact with Spanish General Miguel Lopez de Legazpi, sealed a treaty of friendship that is now commemorated every July in the colorful and spirited month-long Sandugo Festival.

The Blood Compact Commemorative Shrine in Bool of the capital city of Tagbilaran is a popular destination. Another remarkable Boholano is Francisco "Dagohoy" Sendrijas, who led the Boholano people in the country's longest revolt against Spanish rule. In the town of Danao, the daring can still trace the movement of the revolt by descending into the complex cave systems that once sheltered Dagohoy's forces.

The contemporary Boholano is family-oriented and hard-working but also artistic and knows how to enjoy life. Community-based ecotours give transient guests a glimpse into a simple, yet challenging, communal way of life.


Datu Sikatuna is the revered Boholano chieftain who forged a blood compact or "sandugo" with with the Spanish Miguel Lopez de Legazpi in what was to considered the first international treaty of friendship in March 16, 1565.

Francisco Dagohoy led the Boholanos in the longest revolt in Philippine history against the Spanish colonical government form 1744 to 1829.

President Carlos P. Garcia, born in 1896 in the town of Talibon, is the 8th President of the Republic of the Philippines, and is know for his "Filipino First" policy. The life and works of the late president is celebrated and commemorated by the Boholanos every November 4th, his birthdate.

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